Sunday, September 27, 2015

Banned Books Giveaway Hop

Welcome to Banned Books Giveaway Hop hosted by Bookhounds. I'm giving away a $15 gift card to the book store of your choice.

I'll be honest, I don't care for explicit material myself (usually), and I do believe in being careful what children have access to, but I'm very baffled by most of the books often challenged or banned for high school age. I was reading EVERYTHING when I was in high school, and what I didn't like, I didn't read. As simple as that.

My favorites:
The Harry Potter series
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
A Wrinkle In Time

On my To Be Read list:
Brave New World
Slaughterhouse Five
The Kite Runner
The Things They Carried
Fahrenheit 451

What are your favorites or anticipated reads on The List?

Reviews for The Glister Journals: Bronze
More Glister Journals info at the book's website here:
The Glister Journals: Bronze can be purchased through any bookseller or purchase now at New edition coming!
Note: All original text and materials by or commissioned by B. B. Shepherd are copyright 2012-2015 to B B Shepherd.


  1. I follow on Facebook as Suz Reads! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

  2. bloglovin follower - Jennifer Rote - wildnmild4u

  3. thanks for the giveaway. I'll be curious what you think of Slaughterhouse 5 and The Kite Runner. They are both very good, though the latter is a difficult read because of the topic.

    I follow your blog via email.

    1. I have Slaughterhouse 5 somewhere...I'll try to read it in the upcoming year. I've heard only good things about Kite Runner, but I have trouble with things that are too graphic. My imagination tortures me!

  4. My bloglovin is Tracie Cooper

  5. Great blog hop! I remember reading The Face on the Milk Carton when I was in school. I can't imagine why that's on there. I read The Handmaid's Tale this year for the first time. What exquisite writing, and the lessons it imparts are brilliant. I can't imagine that older teens not getting something from it even if they didn't have the life experience to get a lot of what it has to impart.

    1. I haven't heard anything about The Face on the Milk Carton. I've heard mixed reviews of The Handmaid's Tale. Though it's not a book that appeals to me in any way, I usually enjoy a book if it is written well no matter what the subject matter. :)

  6. I follow you my email for your newsletter. Thanks for the is great blog hop.

  7. Following on FB as Tammy Ford Cuevas

  8. follow on bloglovin as jenniferhhedger

  9. I follow via Bloglovin Emma Andje McAndrew :)

  10. Great giveaway! I can always find books to use up a gift card! Thanks for the chance. Follow on FB

  11. I'm Carolina M on rafflecopter and I follow via Bloglovin' as Annie369! ;)

  12. Following via GFC: Dominique

    (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

  13. "It blows my mind, the books that are banned. Such ridiculous reasons, most of the time. I want to read all of them, just to give them the support that they deserve. Thanks for the giveaway! GFC- Jaime Lynn "

    I agree Jaime, though I do think there are age appropriate limits (speaking as a former child/teen, a mom, and a teacher). I didn't post your original comment as you included your e-mail. But thanks for the comment and following! :)

  14. I follow via >>>
    GFC: Jewel
    Facebook: Jewel Jay
    Twitter: @Jay4Jewel
    Thanks for the giveaway :)
    (Rafflecopter: Jewel)

  15. Bloglovin follower:

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you Julie for the follow. I only deleted because I don't like to post personal e-mails. :)

  17. I follow on Google+ as Tara W
    Rafflecopter: Tara Woods

  18. My GFC is Lucky47. Thank you for the giveaway chance. Some of my favorites on the list are :
    To Kill a Mockingbird, A Wrinle In Time, A Handmaids Tale, Harry Potter series
    Carol L

    1. Thanks Carol! You've got similar taste to me. :)

  19. Follow on Facebook at Diane Elizabeth
