Thursday, October 31, 2013

Free Bronze on Kindle and Retro Thursday

Oh many things! I'm spreading everything over two blog posts (second for giveaways--coming soon) so hopefully nothing gets lost or overlooked. Bear with me!

Bronze print edition prices are lowered as far as we can go, at least through the holidays, so I hope you can pick up a copy. And Bronze will be FREE on Amazon Kindle on Friday, November 1st and Saturday, November 2nd. I hope you'll take the opportunity to read it. And if you like it, reviews are always greatly appreciated! And of course you can actually buy the book if you really want to. I wouldn't mind. Honestly.

I'm looking forward to concentrating on finishing The Glister Journals #2 and getting back to 'normal'--whatever that is. The blog tour and my regular job have kept me pretty busy. I will be catching up with some book and music reviews that I should have done months ago. I also want to post regularly here, but I don't always have that much to say.

Which brings me to Retro Thursday. I love music, media, and research--both scholarly and just 'looking stuff up.' So I thought it would be fun to do little weekly retrospectives of particular months in specific years--and you get to choose! Just leave a comment (here, on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever you find me) telling me what month and year a favorite memory took place--a special birthday, date, anniversary, event with friends, vacation, whatever!--and I'll explore what was going on, at least from a music and media perspective. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Reviews for The Glister Journals: Bronze

More Glister Journals info and excerpts at the book's website here:

The Glister Journals: Bronze can be purchased through any bookseller, or purchase now at

Note: All original text and materials by or commissioned by B. B. Shepherd are copyright 2012-2013 to China Blue Publishing.

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